9/11: Healing Through Remembrance
“We were all just going to work.” The same quiet understatement echoed by millions on any given day. But spoken by Leatrice Guttentag against the historical backdrop of September 11, 2011…they resonate powerfully across the nation and deep within each of us. For her, that day started as clear, sunny…and totally average. Within minutes, it changed an entire country forever.
Lee was at work on the 80th floor of World Trade Center Tower 1, the first tower to be hit. Generally, anyone above the 80th floor was considered to be ‘trapped’ in the tower, as the plane cut through all shafts and stairwells above that location. She survived, making it to the ground floor and outside as the towers collapsed around her.
Today, Lee resides in Columbus, where she helps people deal with the loss of a loved one by creating exquisite glass sculptures and encasing the loved one’s ashes within. She also does motivational speaking for children, and is currently raising money for an art installation titled, ‘Glass Reflections on 9/11’. The installation will be made up of glass representations of drawings given to her by children after her speaking engagements.
Lee Guttentag’s story is powerful. Her recollections are full. And in sharing them, she helps each of us. Take a few minutes to see Lee’s story in the video, 9/11: Healing through Remembrance. Produced by Bob Dawson, at TriAd Marketing & Media, it will most certainly be time well spent.
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