How Often Should Your Business Post on Social Media?

Everyone wants their business to have an engaging social media presence, but it’s important to stay on budget! Without a thoughtful strategy, the expenses associated with professional social media management can add up fast. So just how many posts should your business run in a given week to maximize return on investment and drive results? The answer depends on a number of key factors, including your product/service offerings, your current customer audience, your ability to connect and spin your offerings into thought-provoking posts, and your familiarity with social media channels.

Who is Your Customer?

Is your business B2B or B2C? Both should work to cultivate some kind of social presence, but on average, B2C businesses need to bring in a higher number of customers. Successful B2C brands post at least four times per week in most cases. Their posts can be more fun and engaging than strictly informative, as their customers will engage with entertainment. B2B companies typically post at least once per week, with content bringing a higher level of value. This includes case studies, industry news, or important announcements that will pique the interest of a professional audience.

Regardless of your type of business, the most essential functions of social media are to show that you are active and to help spread the message and values of your brand to your customer base. At TriAd, we have provided national and local businesses with social media management services for as long as social media platforms have existed. Our in-house social media manager and designers can help to keep your messaging on-brand and bring value to your customers.

Starting From Nothing or Growing Your Audience

Have you started posting yet, and do you already have a decent pool of followers? The answer may help to shape your posting strategy moving forward.

If you haven’t yet created your profile, then it’s never too early to start. On some platforms, there may be strict rules associated with starting a business profile. Make sure you follow the guidelines and ensure that you have good visual branding in place. From a content standpoint, it’s important to make your page look engaging and populated with engaging material from the beginning. Think carefully about how you want to represent your business to customers. Do you want to be the next big thing, or the established and professional business?

If you already have a pool of followers and are looking to grow, there are plenty of strategies at your disposal. Lately, platforms like Facebook (Meta) and YouTube have been prioritizing Reel/Story content and promoting it outside of your immediate network. No matter what the platforms choose to emphasize next, our team has the skills and expertise to help you reach your audience through the power of social media. With thorough reporting and testing, TriAd helps businesses of all shapes and sizes optimize their social media results.

How Often Are Your Competitors Posting?

Competitor research should be considered in every step of marketing and advertising. Every industry has its major players. What are the frequency and quality of their social posts? Many of our clients tell us they want to outpace their competition in every way possible, and social media is a very publicly facing way to achieve this goal. TriAd’s in-house social media manager can help to research your competitors to isolate strategies you like (or don’t like) to compete and succeed on any social platform.

High Value Messaging Only

Social media is not a place to just dump irrelevant posts. Your customers deserve some value when confronted with your messaging. This can include specials and promotions, customer review spotlights, and valuable industry news that will affect them. When you get higher average engagement on your posts, you will see your organic posts presented to more people with similar demographics as your customer audience, further expanding your reach and potential customer awareness.

New Channel? Get a Jumpstart With Social Media Ads & Promoted Posts

Promoted posts are the most effective way to reach your specific customer audience, as well as customers who are hiding outside of your current follower network. Management tools allow you to sort by specific demographics and track metrics to make sure your promoted posts are bringing in leads and new followers. Before starting a campaign, first consider your goals. Do you want more leads, more engagement, or more followers? It’s important to prioritize one goal for each campaign, as the metrics and KPIs will vary.


It’s also important to track your progress with social media campaigns and carefully measure which strategies work for your audience. This is why TriAd offers monthly interactive analytic reports for our managed social media channels for all of our social media clients.

Just as every company is different, effective social media strategy will vary from business to business. If you’re ready to dominate the social sphere with proven and measurable results, our experienced social media team is ready and able to assist. Get the ball rolling by filling out the form below.

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