Multiply Your Offers and Multiply Your Sales
Too often an ad doesn’t get the expected results and all the wrong reasons are blamed.
It could be you are targeting the wrong audience.
It could be the timing of your offer.
It could be the headline.
It could be one million things!!!!
But there is a good chance that it was the offers, or should I say OFFER.
An oil change ad only appeals to about 17 percent of the public at the particular time that the campaign is going on.
MULTIPLY your offer with a tire special, brake special and general safety check and your ad now appeals to about 68 percent of the public at the particular time of the campaign.
You just quadrupled your results.
Yes, keeping advertising simple and uncluttered is important. Under the right direction, however, “simple” and “uncluttered” can happen and you can still multiply your sales faster with multiple offers. Focus on one product, but give the consumer a taste of a few other flavors.
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