Publication Sales Increase by 40%!
Do you have, or want, a custom publication for your organization or association? Our in-house advertising sales staff dials for dollars on behalf of our publication clients every day. Tell us about your audience, point us in the right direction and we are off. It can be that easy.
Our sales associate, Mark Wolf, has been able to launch Ohio Asphalt magazine, the official publication for Flexible Pavements of Ohio, into a new realm. Sales revenue for this client were up more than 40% in 2011 verses 2010, and he is primed to shatter that record in 2012. Overall our highly successful sales team generated nearly $1,000,000 in advertising sales for our clients in 2011.
Do you want a publication that reflects content that is not only informative but also interesting and strengthens the relationship between you and your audience? Do you have a publication that is FREE to you, or even makes you money? This is what you can have when you work with TriAd Marketing & Media.
If you want your publication sales to increase but just can’t find the time or don’t seem to be making stride, Call Us! If you don’t have a publication but want one that will be self-supporting, or even make you money, Call Us! If you just want to explore your options in custom printing, Call Us! We can help!
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It’s time to find some inspiring ideas for you!