TriAd-A-Lawn 2012


Carnival Ticket

Ladies, gentlemen and children of all ages, to you I present this year’s TriAd-A-Lawn! Inside you will find a gleeful chronicle of TriAd merriment. Each member of our family was tasked with bringing their own carnival-themed treats for all to feast upon. Brats, corn-dogs, candy, popcorn, Twinkies, cold beverages, pizzas … you name it! To match our cavalcade of coma-inducing sweets and beverages, TriAd’s art director, and part-time TriAd-A-Lawn ringleader, Michael Dubs, set up a ring toss, dart throw, slingshot and mysterious duck pond. Each game had its own point system assigned to it, points were then totaled at the end of the festivities and a winner was chosen. For the 2012 extravaganza, our very own web designer Elliott Benzle took home the coveted TriAd-A-Lawn teddy bear.


Mark Wolf mans the grill

Mark Wolf mans the grill

Setting up at the dart booth

Setting up at the dart booth

Shaw has done this before

Everyone was there

Let the rings fly!

Dave lends a helping hand

Elliott Benzle shows off his prize

Elliott Benzle shows off his prize

The duck pond, a game of chance

Crystal shows us how it’s done

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