SEO Optimization for YouTube Videos

Videos have become increasingly popular in the world of digital media. If your company has invested both time and money in video production, then you want to get those videos in front of as many people as you can.

YouTube is THE place for videos. If your company does not have a YouTube channel, you can create one by setting up a Gmail account, from there you will be able to set up a YouTube account. Posting on YouTube will help your SEO by giving you a “backlink” that is a credible source when Google is determining where to put your website in search results.

Once your video is posted to YouTube, it is time to start sharing the link.

  • Videos attract and gain tons of attention on social media. Be sure to put it on your different social media channels, if you think the video is not getting the attention it deserves, do not be afraid to post it more than once.
  • If your website does not have a video section on your website, this can be the first one! Adding videos to your website is a great way for customers to learn more about your business and make it feel more personable.
  • Blogs are a great place for videos to allow more of an interactive experience with your website visitors.

SEO tips and tricks:

  • Name your video using key words that will help people discover your video. For example, if it is about collision repair, name the video “Collision Repair Three-C Body Shop”
  • Utilize the description portion of your video. Explain what the video is about and make sure to add your website’s URL and contact information so someone can contact you as soon as they are done watching the video.
  • Fill in all the information you can on the “Advanced Settings” tab.

Now share away! Under your video there will be a Share button which allows you to share the video on over ten different websites and social media channels.

Check out TriAd’s own YouTube channel to see some of the amazing work our Video Department has done:

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