Tradeshows During COVID-19

We do a lot of work with our clients throughout the year to get ready for tradeshows. We normally involve the art department in creating fresh designs for printed materials, swag to give out and banners for attention but tradeshows looked quite different during 2020. Since COVID-19 has changed the way we interact, it’s no surprise that tradeshows went from being huge convention centers full of businesses to online platforms for vendors and consumers to take part in.

Many online events included different virtual rooms for attendees including a lobby, resource center and exhibit halls. These virtual events may be different, but it also gives attendees the chance to ask questions and drive conversations in places they may not be able to during a face-to-face pitch. Attendees can often receive incentives to participate and the virtual aspect takes some of the fear away from those who don’t feel comfortable interjecting in group discussion normally.


video conference

Luckily, we were able to help our customers adapt to these changes in 2020 by creating PowerPoint templates, visuals for web cam backgrounds, digital versions of brochures or pamphlets, websites specifically for tradeshows and strategy for engagement. Nobody has a set date for when we will be able to gather large groups again, so we’ve began adapting our ideas to help current and potential clients thrive at virtual tradeshows. We can help design webinars, create videos and even help with social media posting, analytics or engagement.

A positive from the virtual tradeshows can be found in the ability to target those who are interested in your product or business. By targeting those who spent a certain amount of time on your website, you can place targeted ads to work on remarketing. We have digital media experts who can help create campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Google Ads to maximize your budget.

We’ve got over 45 years of experience in marketing, let us help you adapt to a digital tradeshow! Contact us today and let’s get you ready to connect with your customers!

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