TriAd and P&D Builders win Building Industry Association MAME Award

Dave Keller of TriAd and Ed Snodgrass of P&D Builders accepting the 2012 BIA MAME Award.
Every now and then in the agency business, you get the opportunity to do something really cool. And when that “something” exceeds expectations it becomes very special indeed. That’s how it felt recently for TriAd and our client, P&D Builders of Delaware, Ohio, as we jointly accepted the award for Exceptional Digital Media Campaign from the Building Industry Association of Central Ohio (BIA).
The project evolved from a simple idea. As the local Builder for the ABC network’s Extreme Makeover: Home Edition in Columbus, P&D asked TriAd to create a video chronicle of the project. We stayed on-site throughout the event and captured footage highlighting the 108 companies who contributed the time and materials needed to make the Columbus re-build a reality.
The final product was a 10 minute, high-energy video titled Extreme Makeover: Home Edition “Behind the Scenes”. First shown at the local viewing party the night the Columbus episode premiered on ABC, our video chronicle enjoyed a great reception. It also caught the eye of the BIA’s Marketing and Merchandising Excellence (MAME) award judges who asked us to make a 2-minute version for the 25th Annual MAME Awards on May 18, 2012.
Winning the award for Exceptional Digital Media Campaign was icing on the cake! We sincerely thank the BIA for this honor and our client, P&D Builders for making TriAd part of their Extreme Makeover project.
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