TriAd Marketing & Media Celebrates 45 years!


TriAd Marketing & Media was originally founded in 1972 by Lee Ault, Ken Keller and Pat Reynolds with the original name of Tri’Advertising, Inc. The 3 founding partners had different reasons for agreeing on the name. Mr. Keller, who proposed the name, meant to imply “3 in advertising.” Mrs. Reynolds thought the name suggested harmony or blending of talents as a “triad” in music. Mr. Ault, whose vision shaped the early years of the company, felt the name embraced his concept of a “communications clinic”. His idea was that 3 independently owned (an advertising agency, a public relations practice and a sales promotion firm) that would collectively provide marketing expertise small local businesses required.

Inevitably, the years brought change. Mrs. Reynolds left the company in 1979 and in 1986, Mr. Ault sold his shares in the company to Mr. Keller. Dave Keller, current President of TriAd Marketing & Media, bought out Ken’s shares after his retirement in 2001.

Now that we have learned about the history of TriAd Marketing & Media, let’s talk about where we are today. On October 1st, 2017 TriAd will have been in business for 45 years. Currently operating with 14 full-time staff members whose expertise range from new trends in the industry such as web development, SEO, social media and video production to the skills that the company was founded on such as marketing, publication editorial and production, communications, sales promotion and public relations.

Web Developer, Rowan Kempf, has been at TriAd Marketing & Media for almost a year now. He noticed right away the unique personality our company has. “TriAd has a special personality, something that sets our team apart from other companies; this personality lives in the work we do and the clients we serve, and I think they sense that. Since my first day, I have seen the TriAd team strive to make our personality shine and to innovate our services, aims that I believe have helped this company’s legacy thrive”, said Rowan. Our 14 individual personalities fit like pieces of a larger puzzle that make up the personality of TriAd Marketing & Media.

Not only do our different associates work well together to achieve the best results for our clients, but we genuinely care about one another and our lives outside of work. Crystal Vance, Advertising Sales Representative, has been at TriAd for almost 7 years and is grateful for the friendships she has made during her time here. “The thing that sticks out most for me about my work family is when I was pregnant with my daughter and had to be on bed rest in the hospital for weeks leading to her birth. Many TriAd staffers came on their lunch hour or after work to hang out with me and help alleviate the boredom.  Then, when she was born the whole staff piled into my tiny hospital room to visit with her. It was very sweet,” said Crystal.

In addition to our wonderful associates, TriAd Marketing & Media would like to thank our clients. We would not be where we are today without you. TriAd is looking forward to many more successful years!

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