TriAd Marketing & Media is FAA-Certified for Flying Drones!

Drone video and photography
TriAd is excited to announce, Ryan Keller, our Video Production Coordinator is now FAA-Certified for drone flying capabilities! Drones have made an impact on the marketing and advertising industry since coming onto the scene. TriAd has been able to catch amazing drone footage for several our clients and will continue to do so with the new certification.
Why take photos or video from the air you might ask?
When the subject is large, or in an attractive-looking environment, the aerial shots will almost always look the best. Our flights can run for up to an hour, so we can find the best shot.
There are clear benefits to hiring our FAA-certified pilot for aerial photography.
- Safety
- Certified Permission
- Experience & Expertise
There is a wide gap between a person who flies drones for fun and a person who is required to follow aeronautical procedures for small unmanned aircraft systems. Often, amateur drone aficionados will disregard airspace restrictions or even fail to lookup the local airports before flight. This could cause emergency grounding of flights in local airspaces and hefty consequences to the responsible parties. With us, we always check our local airspace BEFORE the flight and if needed, notify local airports and helipads. We conduct pre- and post-flight safety inspections to make sure the operation is as safe as possible.
Why shouldn’t you use a non-certified pilot?
- It’s illegal for a non-certified drone pilot to fly commercially.
- They may lack the training to read VFR charts or how to communicate with a local airport.
- Ultimately, if the authorities are dispatched, it will get ugly.
Every time we fly, we are not only accountable for your project, but we also are accountable for our own certification with the FAA. We take this responsibility seriously and will be able to open doors that a non-certified pilot cannot. Our drones are also registered with the FAA and we are ready for commercial projects.
If you are interested in using drone footage for a project or would like to discuss how drone footage could benefit your business, we’ll be happy to lookup your airspace and consult you on the process, email!
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