Search Engine Optimization

You hear about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) all the time. It’s important if you want to be one of the first listings found on Google, but what can you do to ensure that you are being found as often as possible?


On the web, content is king! The best information on the internet is written for your audience, not for search engines. If you write for the user, you are more likely to get traffic and shares which will do more for you in the long run. By writing for your audience and including keywords, your ranks on Google will be better to start. Keep fresh and interesting content that is changed regularly for best results. A blog is a great way to do this, as well as an FAQ section that is regularly updated.


Metadata gives information about the content on your page. Using metadata in titles, keywords, and descriptions can increase your SEO rankings. Description metadata is a text description that a browser may use in your page search return. Keyword metadata should be included for keyword content searches only. Keyword metadata is more audience-based than search engine based. Title metadata is the page title displayed at the top of a browser window and as the headline within search engine results. It is the most important metadata.


Avoid using the term “click here” when adding links to your site. “Click here” has no value to search engines. Links should include keywords and can then improve your search engine rankings as well as the ranking of the page you are linking to. Always use descriptive links by linking keywords—it will not only improve SEO but also adds value to your audience, like those with disabilities or who are using screen readers.

Alt Text

Always describe your media and images using alt tags. That allows search engines to locate your page, which is important, especially for those who use text-only browsers or screen readers.

Paid Ads

If you are updating your site often, using metadata, keywords and giving great content but not seeing results fast enough, consider paid ads. Digital ads allow you to see a boost quicker than organic content would.

Now, if all of this sounds a little Greek to you, you are not alone! Many small businesses rely on a trusted marketing partner to execute their SEO strategies. TriAd Marketing and Media can offer you help with SEO at an affordable rate. We have experience in SEO, content creation and digital ads. Contact us to see how you can boost your SEO ranking today!

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